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Parents' Council

Cash for Clothes Recycling 2022
Well done to everyone who organised and collected over 354 bags of clothes. This amounted to over 2000kg in weighta, this earned €806 for our school.

"Hi Everyone,

Following the recent AGM of Castlebridge NS Parents Association the following people were elected on to the parents council for the school year 2021-2022:

Aidan Doyle - (Chairperson)
Emma Dunne - (Vice-Chairperson)
Tracey O'Connor (Secretary)
Ann McClannon (Treasurer)

If anybody would like to contact the Parents' Council during the school year, please do not hesitate to contact us through our Facebook page or by sending us an email:


We are looking forward to the upcoming school year and we have postedup our planned schedule of events on our Facebook page.

Thanks to all parents for their continued support.

Please see outlined below the constitution of the Parents' Association and Council for your information:


Name of the Association/Council

The parents and guardians of all students attendingthe School shall be considered members of St Ibar’s N.S., Parents' Association.The committee elected by and representing the Association shall be called the St Ibar’s N.S. Parents' Council (“Parents’ Council”).

Mission Statement
The purpose of the parents' association shall be to provide a structure through which the parents / guardians of children attending the School can work together for the best possible education for their children. The parents’ council shall work with the students, principal, teachers, and board of management to build an effective partnership between home and school.

Aim of the Association
The aim of the Parents’Association shall be to enable parents to play their part in ensuring the best possible education for their children, through the Parents’ Council programme of activities.

The Parents’ Council shall promote the interests of the students in co-operation with the BoM, Principal, Teachers and Students, in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act 1998.

General Meetings of the Parents’ Association

An annual general meeting (AGM) of the members of the Parents’ Association shall be held each year, shortly after the commencement of the new school year. If during the course of any year, special circumstances arise that the Parents’ Council decide that there is a need for a general meeting of the members of the Parents’ Association, then such a meeting may be convened.

All general meetings of the Parents’Association shall be convened by the Parents’Council, giving a minimum of seven days notice and by the inclusion of a specific agenda in the notice. Generally, motions considered at a general meeting shall be approved by simple majority vote on a show of hands. If however, in the view of the Parents’ Council Chairperson, there is a particularly sensitive motion to be considered and voted on, then voting on the motion shall be by way of secret ballot.

Council of the Parents' Association
The members of the Parents’ Association shall elect a number of members who will serve as the Parents’ Council and will have responsibility for managing the activities of the Parents’Association.

Objectives of the Parents’ Council
The objectives of the parents’ council shall be;

1. To represent the views of parents/guardians
2. To inform the parents/guardians of the activities of the council and school
3. To promote and foster co-operation and support between Parents/Guardians, Teachers and the school BoM
4. To assist in extra curricular activities
5. To provide education for parents/guardians as required
6. To provide opportunities for Parents/Guardians and Teachers to meet and exchange ideas on the education of the students
7. To act in an advisory and consultative capacity in relation to the school and
8. To promote the education and general welfare interest of the students.

None of the above objectives shall in anyway interfere with the professional competence of the management and teaching staff of the school.

Work of the Parents’ Council
The Parents’ Council shall engage in such activities and fund raising as is considered necessary to achieve the above objectives.

The Parents’Council shall undertake a programme of activities, which will promote the involvement of Parents/Guardians and which will support Students, Parents and School Teachers. In planning its activities, the Parents’ Council shall consult with the School Principal.

Parents’ Council Membership

1. At the AGM, the members of the Parents’ Association shall elect a Parents Council from those present at the meeting to serve for a period of one year. Members are eligible for re-election each year.
2. Election shall be by a simple majority of the members by a show of hands vote for the entire panel of Parents/Guardians offering themselves for election to the council, unless the total number offering themselves for election exceeds 20, in which case an election shall take place and the 20 candidates receiving the most votes shall be declared elected.
3. Membership of the Parents’ Council shall consist of a mix ofthe junior, middle and senior class sections of the school.
4. Additionally the elected Parents’Association representatives on the School Board of Management shall be deemed to be automatic members of the Parents’ Council, but shall not hold an officer post.
5. Additionally the School Principal and/or one member of the school teaching staff shall be co-opted to the council.
6. The Parents’ Council shall comprise of a minimum of 5 people.
7. Any member wishing to resign shall inform the secretary of the Parents’Council in writing.
8. The Parents’ Council shall have the power, subject to 6 above, to co-opt additional members to it from the membership of the Parents’ Association, as required and to assist their work.

Parents’ Council Organisation and Management

1. The Parents’ Council shall meet at least once every two months during school term.
2. A quorum of 5 members shall be present at all meetings.
3. Officers of the Parents’ Council shall consist of a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer who shall be elected at the first meeting of the Parents’Council following the AGM.
4. All members of the Parents’Council, other than the Board of Management representatives, are eligible for election to each officer position, provided that they are a Parent/Guardian of a student attending the school and provided that they have not occupied that same role for the duration of the previous three years.
5. The Parents’ Council shall have the power to make regulations from time to time for the more effective management of its affairs provided that such regulations shall be consistent with the provisions of this constitution
6. Decisions at meetings of the Parents’ Council shall generally be arrived at by consent. If there are different motions or viewpoints then decisions shall be arrived at by a simple majority show of hands.
7. The Parents’Council may set up sub committees to assist in the carrying out of specific projects or activities. The sub committees may also co opt Parents/ Guardians to assist with their work. The sub committees may not make decisions (other than in relation to the effective carrying out of their project/activity) and are fully accountable to the Parents’ Council.


1. The Parents’ Council shall engage in fund raising specifically to finance the activities of the Parents’ Council
2. The treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the accounts of the Parents’ Council and reporting on them at each meeting of the council. The treasurer shall also be responsible for completing the accounts for the term (year) of the Council and presenting them to the annual general meeting of the Parents Association for approval
3. All bank accounts shall be held in the name of the Parents' Council.
4. All disbursements and expenses shall be paid by cheque and, together with all transfers from the Parents’ Council bank accounts, be signed by two officers of the Parents’ Council. (i.e. any two of the Treasurer, Chairperson or Secretary).
5. The Parents’Council shall advise the Principal of all fund-raising proposed to be carried out by it. The Parents’Council shall agree with the Principal as to the specific school projects for which funds are to be disbursed.
6. In the event of the dissolution of the Parents’ Council, all monies held shall be used for educational purposes which shall be decided on before dissolution.

Membership of National Parents' Council Primary
The Parents’ Council shall affiliate to the National Parents' Council Primary each year.

Other Matters
The Parents’ Association shall not be aligned to any political party.

This constitution is proposed for adoption at the annual general meeting of the Parents’ Association on 17 September 2019.

Amendments to this constitution shall only be made at a general meeting of the Parents’Association.

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