Our School

St Ibars National School is a Mixed Primary School, catering for pupils from Infants to Sixth Class. It is a Catholic school under the patronage of the Bishop of Ferns. The school was built in 1984. The School is operated under funding provided by the Department of Education and Science supplemented by local resources and is subject to the Department’s regulations in its policy and operation. The Curriculum followed is prescribed by the Department of Education and Science and is amended from time to time in accordance with Sections 9 & 30 of the Education Act(1998).The school supports the principles of:
a) inclusiveness; particularly with reference to the enrolment of children with a disability or other special educational need;
b) equality of access and participation in the school;
c) parental choice in relation to enrolment;
d) respect for the diversity of values, beliefs, traditions, languages and ways of life in our society, within the context and parameters of the Department regulations and programmes, with regard to the rights of the Patron as set out in the Education Act and the funding available.